Chen Jie the District Mayor of Changzhou District, Wuzhou
25 Aug 2016
Chen Jie, the District Mayor of Changzhou District, Wuzhou city, Guangxi Province and the director of management committee of Wuzhou stainless steel product industrial parks led Deng Xingzhi, the deputy director of Wuzhou stainless steel products industrial parks management committee; Huang Ning, office director of Changzhou People’s Government; Li Yuchang, the director of the Bureau of Commerce and so on in total of 6 persons visited GDSSMPA, which received warm reception by Lin Zeyu, the full time executive vice chairman and secretary general of GDSSMPA.
Both sides discussed and exchanged with each other about the development of national stainless steel industry.
Later, accompanied by Huang Gengyan, the executive secretary general of GDSSMPA, Chen Jie and his delegation visited Guangdong Yufeng Stainless Steel Co., Ltd.---the vice chairman enterprise of GDSSMPA and Zhu Yan and Peng Bin the representative of Yufeng gave them warm reception.