GDSSMPA Helps the Poor in Chancheng, Foshan
7-8 Dec 2016
Accompanied by directors of Shiwan and Zumiao subdistrict office, Chancheng district, Foshan city, Chen Peihua, the executive vice chairman of GDSSMPA, Lin Zeyu, the executive vice chairman and secretary general, Chen Huahua, the vice chairman and deputy secretary general visited ten of poverty residents.
GDSSMPA had done some researches for Shiwan and Zumiao subdistrict befor visiting. Finally 10 of poverty residents had been chosen. On 7 and 8 Dec. Afternoon, Chen Peihua, Lin Zeyu and Chen Huahua visited them one by one. Besides, they donated oil, rice and other poverty suppliers together with 2,000 yuan to the poor families.
GDSSMPA thanks for members who greatly support the poverty alleviation activity, we wish all of you can take action to pass love on!