The Joint Meeting of Chairman & Directors Expanding Meeting had been Successfully held
21 June 2014
The Joint Meeting of Chairman & Directors Expanding Meeting 2014 was held at Peony Meeting Room on the forth floor of Foshan Chencun Country Garden Flower City Hotel in the afternoon on June 21st. It is presided by the Executive Vice President & Secretary-general Lin Zeyu. 57 representatives including Chairman Wu Weibin, Vice Chairman, Supervisors and Directors presented at the meeting.
The Second Quarter Joint Meeting of Chairman was held on 3:20pm. There were 16 Chairmen participated in the meeting including Chairman Wu Weibin, Executive Vice Chairman Zhang Kaiyi, the Representative of Executive Vice Chairman Li Yanping, Supervisor Xing Mingliang, Vice Chairman Xu Jianglin, Peng Yonghong, Liang Shengji, Zhu Huaxin, Li Haiqing, Li Jinwu and so on Vice Chairman Representatives. The Secretary-general Mr. Lin gave a brief introduction of the rules, requirements, review and evaluation of the first Session of Guangdong Stainless Steel Industry Brand Enterprise 2013 selection. Then the Joint Meeting of Chairman members had a registered ballot and all passed through the candidate enterprises. They also discussed membership development and permanent site construction which finally reach a consensus.
Then the Directors Expanding Meetingwas held on 4:15 pm. The first part was to grant letter of certificate to new Vice Chairman, Executive Director and Directors by Chairman Wu Weibin, Executive Vice Chairman Zhang Kaiyi and Representative Li Yanping. The second part was the first half working summary and the second half working plan report made by Secretary Mr. Lin who also informed all the directors about the idea of seeking permanent site of GDSSMPA. Represented for the board of supervisors and directors, the Supervisor Xing Mingliang report the financial situation of the association in the third part. Then the directors considered the reports and showed their positive attitude toward what GDSSMPA had done. Besides, they gave some advices and suggestions for future development and arrangement of association. Mr. Lin also gave them one-to-one response.
Finally, Chairman Wu Weibin made a conclusion remarks. He affirmed what secretariat had done in the first half; thanked for the support given by the directors; emphasized the explicitation and transparency of financial revenue and expenditure; suggested more communication on GDSSMPA platform; advised on risk management on latest stainless steel market.