GDSSMPA Visited Huachang Aluminum Factory
20 Mar 2017
In order to learn the advanced production and management experience from aluminum model enterprise, GDSSMPA organized members visited leading enterprise---Guangdong Huachang Aluminum Factory Co., Ltd. on 20th March, 2017. Lin Zeyu, the full time executive vice chairman and secretary general of GDSSMPA, vice chairman Chen Huahua, Li Jinwu, representative of vice chairman Zhou Xianwei, Chen Zhiguang, director Gao Jianhua and so on 25 persons all attended this visiting. Chief Engineer Tang Xingyu gave the delegation warm reception.
When the delegation arrive Huachang, they had a discussion in meeting room of its office building on the third floor. Then they listened to Mr. Tang’s overall introduction of Huachang. They also visited honor room, production experience hall and production workshop of Huachang after the meeting.
Director MR. Gao hosted a luncheon for the delegation at noon and they had a pleasant discussion. They expressed that they really learned a lot form this visiting and hope GDSSMPA can held more activities as visiting excellent enterprises.